Friday, September 9, 2011

Don't market that...

After seeing several things that have fallen on my desk to fix, I have decided to write the top 10 things I wouldn't do when creating a flier.

1. You can have too many pictures.
Keep it simple, images are a great way to visually enhance a flier/poster or brochure but too many can either be distracting or competing.

2. Keep it simple.
Avoid mission statements, goals and long paragraphs. It is not about what you think people want to know, it's about what they need to know.

3. Make your point, fast.
Make a big headline and then support it. Remember, this is your first impression with someone and you don't want it to be your last.

4. Action words matter.
Implementing a call to action is to your benefit, people prove to be more responsive if you call them out. Verbs are a great tool, use them!

5. Avoid dull colors.
Unless your business gains revenue for every person that ignores you, stay away from too much gray or earth tones.

6. Your ego does not have to be represented.
Avoid using pictures of yourself. Especially that head shot that looks like it should be hanging in a hallway somewhere. Remember it is about them. Not you.

7. Don't create only a flier.
Integrate your communications, if you only hang up posters to promote your event, don't be shocked when only your closest friends show up.

8. If using images, make them matter.
Sure the classic lake shot or country scene is relaxing, but unless you are selling a vacation package, ditch them.

9. Fonts can make it or break it.
Don't use fonts because you like them, use them because you can read them and you don't have to interpret or call someone just to figure out what it is.

10. Unless you are a designer, don't do it.
DO NOT use microsoft word to create a piece, no matter what it is. If you are trying to save money, ask a student who is trying to build a portfolio or trade.

Feel free to comment more if you can think of them! If you need ideas, don't be afraid to ask.